How Collagen saved me those first few months
I actually stumbled into Collagen for joint pain by complete accident. I had decided to drastically change my diet in hopes to relieve my joint pain so I was pretty much only eating organic meat, fruit and vegetables. This strategy took a long time to help with the immediate pain, which I was expecting from my research. I was in pain right then and there so preparing 3 meals a day from scratch was not ideal. That being said I drank a lot of smoothies those first 6 weeks. After a while I started looking for alternative protein options (other then nut butter and avocados) for my smoothies and came across the grass fed collagen suggestion in a blog so I begun adding it to my smoothies. Within 2 weeks my swollen fingers were significantly less swollen. I chalked this up to the diet change and thought I was just lucky it worked faster for me then everyone else. Well after skipping my daily smoothies a few days in a row my fingers swelled right back up. I was crushed! What had changed? I was still eating so healthy I just finally felt good enough to actually cook! I had been learning that pretty much all my flair ups always had a cause whether it was stress, lack of sleep, lack of movement or what I ate so I was determined to figure it out. I had been tracking everything I had been taking and eating and went back through it all and finally figured out what I had done! I had stopped taking the Collagen! A few days of taking the collagen again and my joints were feeling so much better. I finally read the label and found out the first item listed was helps joint pain! I then read even more closely and realized I was only taking half the recommend amount so I started taking it in the morning and the evening in my hot tea, coffee or smoothies (it’s completely tasteless but most defiantly dissolves better in warm beverages FYI). After my really bad “flair up” last spring finally ended I now take the Collagen patriotically if any of my joints start to feel sore or I feel run down or during my “problem seasons” (Spring and Fall) and it continues to work wonders and something I will always keep on hand from now on. While I still use a combination of other vitamins and supplements this one by far has helped me the most when I have needed it and most importantly it has helped the FASTEST. The one down fall to natural medicine is it can take a little longer then popping a pain killer so the faster the better in my book. There are many different brands out there but the Great Lakes grass fed one is defiantly the healthiest and from my experience produces the best results. Grass-fed Collagen for the win!
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