5 Steps for Epsom Salt RA Joint Relief
I know this isn’t some oh my goodness I’ve never heard of this type post BUT I do have some tips and suggestions for using Epsom salts for joint relief! While soaking your whole body in the tub can and does help, after a suggestion from my acupuncturist this is no long how I relieve my joints with Epsom salts. First let me say I mostly use the salts for my feet and knees because for some reason or another diet doesn’t appear to help them as much with an RA flare up.
For Feet and Knees:
Fill the bath with about 8-12 inches of hot water (as hot as you can make yourself stand to put your feet into).
2. While the tub is filling grab two handle full’s of one of my go to Epsom salt favorites for joints https://amzn.to/32DwZCl https://amzn.to/3hsHQmv
3 Stir the water around with your hand or foot to dissolve the salts
4. Then grab a chair or if you have a decent tub ledge sit on the tub ledge and ONLY put your feet into the tub. That’s it nothing else!
5. Sit there with you ipad or a book and a hot cup of tea and relax for at least 20mins. Be sure to wiggle your toes and stretch and move your toes while soaking to get them loosened up.
Apparently the heat goes into your feet and up to your knees and relaxes and loosens them much better then fully soaking your knees. It also works the best at NIGHT before you go to bed don’t ask me why it just does.
For Hands and Wrists:
1. Fill a large glass bowl or pot with hot water (as hot as you can make yourself stand to put your hands into).
2. Grab one handle full of one of my go to Epsom salt favorites for joints https://amzn.to/32DwZCl https://amzn.to/3hsHQmv and put in water
3. Stir the water around with your hand
4. Sit at a table with both hands and wrists gently submerged in the water. Remember to wiggle them to keep them loosened up.
To purchase either of these click here:
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