5 Tips on Wearing Compression gloves

When I was first diagnosed I read mixed reviews on compression gloves helping Rheumatoid arthritis joint pain. Most things I read said they didn’t help like they did for traditional arthritis so I chose not to purchase any for a while. As probably most RA warriors like myself my joints are always the most stiff and painful when I first wake up in the morning so after one practically bad morning, my husband purchased me some anyways https://amzn.to/3jBxu5E. I tried wearing them for different amounts of time, different times of the day and this is what I found works the best.


1. First of all the seams on even the “seamless” compression gloves hurt my hands. My trick for this is I always wear compression gloves inside out to avoid compression pain and the “seams marks” they make on my hands.


2. Try not to wear them 24/7. I found that putting them on before bed and leaving them on for about 1-2 hours after I woke up was my sweet spot.


3. Only wear the glove or gloves on the hand(s) that hurt. If you only have joint pain in one hand only wear the glove on the one hand. This is helpful for many reasons but most importantly you are free to use your “well” hand without any constrictions. Plus you will be able to exercise that hand and keep in mobile and because of this hopefully pain free.


4. Once you take the gloves off for the day be sure to move those digits! You tend to not exercise your fingers as much when you wear compression gloves which will cause more stiffness so when you take them off be sure to open and close your hands multiple times, stretching each finger. I also recommend squeezing a stress ball https://amzn.to/2CFPbR6 to get everything loosened up.  


5. Be sure to wash the gloves often to prevent you from getting sick from any germs you might have picked up while wearing them. 


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